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来源:本站 作者:管理员 日期:2018/12/26 17:29:49

屠杰大师 简介:国家级非物质文化遗产项目紫檀雕刻代表性传承人,全国政协委员,中国民主促进会中央委员,中国侨联常委、上海市侨联副主席,世界传统文化研究院、塞上鲁西书画院常务院长,国际收藏家协会主席,美国东方文化艺术研究中心特约研究员,上海市海外交流协会副会长,中国民族艺术家协会副会长,《环球精英》杂志社国际顾问,中国工艺美术协会常务理事,中国传统工艺研究会副会长兼秘书长,上海工艺美术学会副会长,联合国国际交流合作与协调委员会亚太地区艺术委员会秘书长等职(享受国务院特殊津贴)。

Brief introduction to master Tu Jie: the national non material cultural heritage project, the representative inheritor of the sandalwood carving, the CPPCC National Committee, the Central Committee of the China Democratic Promotion Association, the Standing Committee of the Chinese Federation of Chinese overseas Chinese and the vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of overseas Chinese, the president of the world traditional culture research institute, the standing house of the Shandong Academy of calligraphy and painting, the president of the international collectors association, the United States Oriental culture and Art Research Center special researcher, vice president of Shanghai Overseas Exchange Association, vice president of China National Artists Association, international consultant of global elite magazine, executive director of China Arts and Crafts Association, vice president and Secretary General of Chinese traditional arts and Crafts Association, vice president of Shanghai Institute of Arts and crafts, Union The Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Regional Arts Council is enjoying the special allowance of the State Council.
